[erlang-questions] Source patch for R12B-0 available

Rickard Green rickard.s.green@REDACTED
Fri Dec 7 15:17:33 CET 2007

A patch that fixes the following issues is now available at
http://www.erlang.org/download.html . Instructions for applying
the patch can be found in the patch README.

Rickard Green, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB.


OTP-7006  The SMP emulator on sparc64 erroneously used the sparc32
           atomic and the sparc32 spinlock implementations which
           caused it to crash.

OTP-7012  Matching an empty binary in a record and then using the
           same record again could cause a compiler crash.

           Example code that triggers the crash:

           -record(r, {a,b}).
           t(R) ->
             #r{a = <<>>} = R,

OTP-7013  file:read/2 and file:consult_stream/1,3 did not use an empty
           prompt on I/O devices. This bug has now been corrected.

OTP-7014  configuring --enable-darwin-universal or --enable-darwin-64bit
           on MacOSX could result in a non optimized emulator. Top level
           configure script now corrected.

OTP-7015  configuring --with-gd did not produce correct include flags
           for percept.


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