[erlang-questions] Parse-transforming !! to a function call
Mats Cronqvist
Fri Aug 24 10:34:10 CEST 2007
On 2007-08-16 11:07, Richard Carlsson wrote:
> I'd like to encourage everyone on
> this list to keep thinking about how Erlang process communication could
> be made even simpler and more streamlined. Plain asynchronous message
> passing (with selective receive) is a powerful yet simple building block
> but it is still rather primitive, and often, Erlang programmers (myself
> included) will neglect to think too far about what might happen if
> messages are lost, timeouts occur, or messages arrive in an unexpected
> order. We tend to go back and fix those bugs when they bite us, but it
> would be better if we were using communication constructs that came with
> certain guarantees to begin with; like the difference between goto-
> programming and structured language constructs like while/for/case.
i read somewhere that "an idiom indicates a missing feature." (or
maybe i just made it up?)
in any case, i tend to use this idiom a lot, and i think it does
indeed indicate a missing language feature.
safe_send(Pid,Msg) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process,Pid),
Pid ! {Ref,self(),Msg},
{'DOWN',Ref,_,_,R} ->
{Ref,Ans} ->
receive {_,Ref,_,_,_} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
the caller of safe_send/2 will receive either an answer from Pid, or
an exit(*).
i'm not proposing safe_send/2 to become part of OTP (i haven't even
compiled this particular version). my point is just that there is a need
for a version of '!' that guarantees that the message was delivered.
of course, the code running in Pid must look something like this;
receive {Ref,Pid,Msg} -> Pid ! {Ref,handle(Msg)} end
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