[erlang-questions] Trouble connecting to Erlang in a virtual hosting setup

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Tue Aug 21 11:28:57 CEST 2007

I host with Joyent on one of their Sparc Accelerators. My container  
has a dedicated IP address and I point both wagerlabs.com and  
topdog.cc to it. Internally, though, the name of the box is  

I cannot connect to this node with net_adm:ping/1 using the internal  
box name since the Erlang ports are blocked.

The challenge code in dist_util grabs the internal box name and fails  
in list_to_existing_atom when I cannot connect to my node using my  
domain names or the IP address. It also fails with no_node if I pre- 
create the xxx@REDACTED atom since the host portion of  
the node name won't match that returned by the Erlang node at Joyent.

Is there a workaround for this?

	Thanks, Joel


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