[erlang-questions] mnesia:dirty_update_counter and replicated tables

Ulf Wiger (TN/EAB) ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Thu Sep 21 18:11:47 CEST 2006

Even though this problem would seem to be addressed by 
wrapping dirty_update_counter inside a transaction:

   fun() ->
      mnesia:dirty_update_counter({Tab, Key}, Incr)

It _still_ wouldn't be safe, for the following reasons:

- Dirty updates within a transaction are not recognized
  as updates per se. So there will be failure situations
  were the update may not propagate consistently to all
- Since the dirty update cannot be undone, and mnesia 
  reserves the right to re-run transactions in the name
  of deadlock prevention, you are not guaranteed that 
  the update will happen only once.
- If your transaction aborts, the update_counter will
  not be rolled back, if it had time to execute before
  the abort, which you have no way of knowing (unless
  you add some additional dirty stuff).

Ulf W
Serge Aleynikov wrote:
> Scott,
> The answer is regretfully no.  Let's consider an example to 
> illustrate this point.  You have two nodes A and B both 
> running mnesia with a replicated table.
> 1. The content of a counter is 1.
> 2. Node A does a mnesia:dirty_update_counter call to 
> increment the value of the counter by 2.
> 3. Very closely in time node B does 
> mnesia:dirty_update_counter call to increment the counter by 3.
> After this the value of that field could be either one of:
> a) 3.
> b) 4.
> c) 6.
> No guarantees can be made as to which value the counter would 
> hold without having cross-node locking involved by using transactions.
> Depending on the application you could use transactions to 
> update data and dirty operations for read-only purposes.

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