[erlang-questions] GUI idea

Vlad Dumitrescu vladdu55@REDACTED
Fri Sep 8 16:58:43 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I just had an idea and thought I'd share it. It is about building Erlang GUIs.

Currently the most used GUI kit is gs. Not very cool, but works and is
good enough for simple apps. Now gs is build quite modularily, and one
could write a different backend the would be more impressive looking.

So far so good, nothing new. But...

What if the new gs backend would actually start yaws and a browser,
and build the actual GUI as yaws+ajax pages? Wouldn't that actually be
better than Rails? ;-) After upgrading gs to use all cool Web2.0
controls, of course...

This seems too good to be actually a new idea, but I'll check the net
_after_ sending this :-)

best regards,

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