Erlang/OTP R11B has been released

Ernie Makris ernie.makris@REDACTED
Thu May 18 12:37:34 CEST 2006

Hi Bjorn,

No problem. Thanks for the status, and thanks for the release. SMP is a gem.


Bjorn Gustavsson wrote:
> Sorry for that. When we received the patch, we were quite busy resolving
> other issues, so we decided to postpone including it. It will be probably
> be included in R11B-1.
> /Bjorn
> Ernie Makris <ernie.makris@REDACTED> writes:
>> Hi Erlangers,
>> This is great news!
>> However, the linux 2.6 (FC3,4...) run_erl patch is still not there.
>> -0> ./run_erl tmp/ tmp "~/dev/erlang/otp_src_R11B-0/bin/erl"
>> run_erl [29481] Wed May 17 11:22:16 2006
>> Could not open pty master
>> openpty must be used. Is there any way to get this in. I don't mind
>> patching my local copy each time,
>> but some other people are having the same issues. My test system is a
>> FC4 SMP system.
>> Another welcome addition would be to allow the file_driver to open a
>> device like /dev/urandom.
>> I also patch my local build to allow this as well. I welcome feedback on
>> this. I know the file_driver is built so that
>> it should not block under normal circumstances and thats why device
>> opens are not allowed. There is a special
>> case in there for /dev/null, and I always add my own(in unix_efile.c)
>> for /dev/urandom.
>> Should there be a patchset system created for erlang if these types are
>> changes are not wanted by the erlang powers that be.To make it
>> convenient for people to share and test patches.
>> Thanks
>> Ernie
>> Bjorn Gustavsson wrote:
>>> Erlang/OTP R11B has been released as planned on May 17, 2006.
>>> You can download the full source distribution from
>>> For installation instructions please read the README that is part of
>>> the distribution or found here:
>>> The Windows binary distribution can be downloaded from
>>> You can also download the complete HTML documentation or
>>> the Unix manual files:
>>> We also want to thank all that have sent us patches, suggestions and bug
>>> reports,
>>> The OTP Team

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