Small Erlang bencode library
Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB)
Thu May 18 11:11:27 CEST 2006
Steve Smith wrote:
> [...]
> > bencode(Dict) when element(1, Dict) == dict ->
> > Sorter = fun({Key1, _}, {Key2, _}) -> Key1 < Key2 end,
> > Pairs = [[bencode(Key), bencode(Value)] || {Key, Value} <-
> > lists:sort(Sorter, dict:to_list(Dict))],
> > [$d, Pairs, $e].
> My original version of the code used is_integer(), etc, but I
> had to move to tuples when I realised there's no reliable way
> to detect if a list is a string or not.
Yes, this is a bit tricky.
Joe Armstrong has played with the following convention in the past (e.g.
in his UBF implementation):
s(Str) -> {'#S', Str}.
-define(S(Str), {'#S',Str}).
start(Nick) ->
{reply,{ok,_}, _} = rpc(Pid, {startService, s("irc_server"), []}),
case rpc(Pid, {nick, s(Nick)}) of
{reply, false, _} ->
{reply, true, active} ->
handlerRpc(active, {nick, ?S(New)}, Nick, Manager) ->
case ask_manager(Manager, {change_nick,Nick,New,self()}) of
ok ->
{true, active, New};
error ->
{false, active, Nick}
Basically, s(string()) constructs a string object, and ?S(Str)
matches on the string value.
> I didn't know about the "element(1, Dict) == dict"
> trick either, that's useful.
... but a violation of the common convention that you don't peek into
undocumented data structures, just because you can. :)
I was going to suggest that you use orddict instead of dict, partly to
eliminate the need for sorting.
Also, I'd stick with the tagging.
> Has anyone ever looked at adding stronger typing to Erlang
> (*strong*, not static :), eg. the ability to define new types
> that are checkable at runtime? At the moment it looks like
> people are adding their own ad-hoc typing via tagged-tuples
> (although matching makes this much less messy that it could be).
There have been several attempts at adding typing to Erlang. The success
of Dialyzer has changed the landscape quite a bit, since dealing with
types in Erlang is suddenly almost comme il faut.
Ulf W
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