how to hold lists
Serge Aleynikov
Fri May 12 13:45:28 CEST 2006
Looks like Thomas' advice was well suited for this problem:
day(monday) -> {weekday, 1};
day(tuesday) -> {weekday, 2};
day(saturday) -> {weekend, 6}; % or is it 20 in your case?
day(sunday) -> {weekend, 7}.
is_weekday(D) -> element(1, day(D)) == weekend.
day_of_week(D) -> element(2, day(D)).
This should indeed be faster than working with lists.
Yani Dzhurov wrote:
> You are right :)
> I need these lists to simulate some kind of enumarations.
> I have two big enums /100 fields each/ which I want to split in 5 lists and
> simulate them as enums in Erlang.
> For instance
> enum WeekDays {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday=20,
> Sunday}
> spilt them to lists
> days1=[monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday]
> And days2=[saturday, sunday].
> So when I have
> WeekDay 1;
> I can easily get it from the first list;
> list:nth(1,days1).
> If I have WeekDay 22;
> lists:nth(22 - Offset, days2).
> Also I need easily to get the value of WeekDays as ints.
> So from thursday -> 3;
> So I would get the index of thursday in the list days1.
> This procedure looks pretty stupid in this example.
> But when I have large enums and need to insert new values in it /{Monday,
> Tuesday, Wednesday,SOME_OTHER_WEEK_DAY, Thursday, Friday, Saturday=20,
> Sunday}/ it would be easy to maintain.
> If someone else has a better idea, pls advise me:)
> 10x,
> yani
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED
> [mailto:owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED] On Behalf Of Richard Carlsson
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 1:18 PM
> To: Yani Dzhurov
> Cc: erlang-questions@REDACTED
> Subject: Re: how to hold lists
> Yani Dzhurov wrote:
>>I need to have some kind of global variables where to hold a couple of
>>lists. Also need them to process them pretty often by thousand of
> processes.
>>I have about 5-6 lists with about 50 atoms each.
>>Is there any better approach?
> I think that if you describe in more detail what these lists contain
> and how you want to use them (e.g., what does "process them" mean,
> more exactly?), people will be able to give you much better advice.
> /Richard
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