Problem exporting content with XMERL

karol skocik karol.skocik@REDACTED
Tue May 2 10:45:03 CEST 2006

  I am trying to export content, but XMERL dies with error. The
content looks like this :

simple() ->
    {document, [{title, "Doc Title"}, {author, "Ulf Wiger"}],
     [{section, [{heading, "heading1"}],
       [{'P', "This is a paragraph of text."},
        {section, [{heading, "heading2"}],
         [{'P', "This is another paragraph."},
          {table, [{border, 1}],
             [{col, "head1"},
	      {col, "head2"}]},
             [{col, "col11"},
              {col, "col12"}]},
             [{col, "col21"},
              {col, "col22"}]}]}]}]}]}.

-- it is the same content as used in Ulf's presentation.

Next, I am doing the same as in presentation :

xmerl:export_simple(dvbh_xml:simple(), xmerl_xml, [{title, "Doc Title"}]).
but there is a problem.

The whole session looks like this:

(ipe@REDACTED)13> dvbh_xml:simple().
{document,[{title,"Doc Title"},{author,"Ulf Wiger"}],
                    [{'P',"This is a paragraph of text."},
                              [{'P',"This is another paragraph."},
(ipe@REDACTED)14> xmerl:export_simple(dvbh_xml:simple(), xmerl_xml,
[{title, "Doc Title"}]).

=ERROR REPORT==== 2-May-2006::10:32:28 ===
Error in process <0.289.0> on node 'ipe@REDACTED' with exit value:
Wiger"}],[{section,[{heading,"heading1"}],[{'P',"This is a paragraph
of text."},{section,[{heading,"heading2"}],[{'P',"This is anothe...

** exited: {function_clause,[{xmerl_lib,
                                      [{title,"Doc Title"},
                                       {author,"Ulf Wiger"}],
                                                "This is a paragraph of text."},
                                                     "This is another
                             {shell,eval_loop,3}]} **

Does anybody know what is the problem? I am using latest Erlang on Linux/x86.


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