File sharing software

Christophe Romain chris@REDACTED
Tue May 2 09:25:29 CEST 2006

> This brings up the perennial question of the stripped version of 
> erlang.  If there was a 1MB install that was a single file or single 
> click, it would be an ideal way to set up this sort of distribution 
> network.
just look at erlrt
you can use the 3Mb self extractable archive of stripped erlang with 
minimal library set
if you need dependencies, you can install otp libraries like this:

list available packages
 > erlrt:available().
list installed packages
 > erlrt:installed().
install a package
 > erlrt:install(mnesia).
uninstall a package
 > erlrt:uninstall(mnesia).

you can even try the experimental repos light, which is working on 
linux, windows and mac.


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