Iteration over lists
Emil Öberg (LN/EAB)
Thu Mar 16 17:52:01 CET 2006
Sitting here doing some profiling on our system and started to wonder about the performance of recursion/map/list comprehensions. Made a small test program just to compare them and got some (to me at least) surprising results. Lists:map() is nearly twice as slow as recursion, even when list is reversed, and list comprehension is even slower! Could anyone explain this? It is kind of disturbing to be forced to use messy recursion just because your code is time-critical.
List rev mapping list
elements recursion recursion mapping w. Fun comprh.
5 0.0690 0.0770 0.0940 0.0830 0.0820
10 0.1200 0.1320 0.1600 0.1530 0.1490
50 0.5240 0.5450 0.7540 0.8900 0.7660
100 1.1110 1.0490 1.4800 1.4880 1.5800
200 2.5330 2.1180 4.2030 5.7090 2.9500
500 5.5410 6.6350 9.5430 9.0360 9.4000
700 9.0160 7.2820 12.7840 12.1180 13.9340
1000 12.2220 12.4670 15.7670 20.7170 18.0760
2000 25.1110 26.1110 31.2840 36.3090 44.8230
3000 40.2820 42.2100 66.4730 66.8280 89.7050
4000 59.8470 56.5540 102.6200 102.7070 133.7110
5000 81.1000 85.1060 139.0810 138.8840 179.1730
6000 98.4590 103.7620 176.6980 175.7730 222.7360
What I measured was (list genereated by lists:seq(1,N)):
recursion([H | T], Acc) ->
recursion(T, [integer_to_list(H) | Acc]);
recursion([], Acc) ->
revrecursion([H | T], Acc) ->
revrecursion(T, [integer_to_list(H) | Acc]);
revrecursion([], Acc) ->
mapfun(L) ->
lists:map(fun erlang:integer_to_list/1, L).
mapping(L) ->
lists:map({erlang, integer_to_list}, L).
listcompr(L) ->
[erlang:integer_to_list(X) || X <- L].
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