FW: [Felix-language] Copy of post to comp.lang.c++

Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB) ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Tue Mar 7 09:22:37 CET 2006

I still haven't gotten around to actually 
testing Felix together with erlang yet, but 
it's still on my list. Here's a marketing blurb
sent to comp.lang.c++.

-----Original Message-----
From: felix-language-admin@REDACTED
[mailto:felix-language-admin@REDACTED] On Behalf Of skaller
Sent: den 7 mars 2006 06:54
To: felix-language@REDACTED
Subject: [Felix-language] Copy of post to comp.lang.c++

Subject:      Felix 1.1.2 Release Candidate 4
From:         skaller <skaller@REDACTED>
Newsgroups:   comp.lang.c++
Date:         Tue, 07 Mar 2006 16:21:08 +1100

The Felix project requires people to help test version 1.1.2 release
candidate 4 source build. Please go to


if you're interested in helping. The licence is FFAU (like BSD or Boost
licences). You will need Ocaml 3.08/9 and Python 2.x plus a C++ compiler
to build from source. GNU g++ and MSVC++ are supported (and we'll add
support for any other compiler if there is a volunteer maintainer). 

We also need C++ programmers interested in wrapping their favourite C
and C++ libraries to create and maintain bindings. 
Support for SDL, OpenGL and gmp++ is currently provided.
Felix generates 'almost ISO C++', which should compile on most
platforms. The build system is entirely written in Python and does not
require any of the usual build tools (no make, autoconf or whatever)

What is Felix? 

It's a new programming language specifically designed as an upgrade path
from C++, in the same way as C++ is an upgrade path from C. It preserves
both object and source compatibility with C++, although the mechanism is
different -- Felix replaces the C++ type system and syntax, and so it is
a distinct language in its own right.

Felix features built in garbage collection, first class functions and
procedures, high performance user space threading, parametric
polymorphism, variants, pre-emptive threading support, and now
asynchronous I/O including support for timers and sockets transparently
using the fastest available demultiplexing technique available on your
platform (i.e. epoll on Linux, kqueue on BSD and OSX, IO completion
ports on Windows)

The scripting harness works much like Python or Perl does:
you just say 

	flx my/program

and it compiles the program to C++, compiles the C++ to a shared
library, links in all required extra libraries automatically, and runs
your program. In other words it works like a scripting language but
performs like the best native code binaries.

Although the compiler is fairly mature .. the build system and async
support is brand new so you can expect some teething problems. If you're
into the bleeding edge and want a high level of abstraction without
sacrificing performance, this product is for you!
John Skaller <skaller at users dot sourceforge dot net> Async PL,
Realtime software consultants Checkout Felix:

This SF.Net email is sponsored by xPML, a groundbreaking scripting
language that extends applications into web and mobile media. Attend the
live webcast and join the prime developer group breaking into this new
coding territory!
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