Progrommatic control of dialyzer

Tobias Lindahl Tobias.Lindahl@REDACTED
Wed Jun 14 09:20:17 CEST 2006


The question has been asked before, and unfortunately the answer is the 
same this time. I will make a way of calling Dialyzer and get the 
answers in Erlang rather than through the command line, but I haven't 
got around to it yet. Just keep asking and it might even happen ;-)


Eric Merritt wrote:
> Is there some method to control and use dialyzer pragmatically? I have
> been fiddling with something akin to a continuous build system for my
> erlang projects with support for unit tests and the like. I would like
> to add support for dialyzer and an API would make that simpler. The
> R11 docs only cover the command line version but just because
> something isn't documented doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Hence this
> question to the list.

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