Summary: E / Erlang integration

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@REDACTED
Mon Jun 12 13:15:28 CEST 2006

On 2006-06-12 11:12, Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB) wrote:
> I think that even without sugar, it can be cleaned up a little:
> %% @spec send(To, Request, Timeout, MatchFun) -> Result
> %% @throws timeout
> try e:send(RaceTrack, getPolePositionCar, 3000,
>            fun(N) when N ==FarPolePositionCar ->
>                 io:format("My car is in pole position~n"),
>                 match;
>               (_) -> no_match
>            end) of 
>    Result -> Result
>    catch
>       throw:timeout -> ...
> end.

in the e documentation i think <- is used for send. it seems to have 2 
''arguments'' (<- is infix). there is no Timeout, nor any MatchFun.
or am i missing something?

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