Proposal: E / Erlang integration
Michael FIG
Tue Jun 6 06:25:34 CEST 2006
Greetings to E and Erlang people, both.
[First, to qualify this message, I'm a novice in both the Erlang and E worlds, so please forgive me if I make some incorrect assumptions. Many thanks if you take the time to correct me. :) I think that both the e-lang and erlang-questions lists are subscriber-only, so I will try to summarize responses to the other list if that turns out to be true.]
I would like to introduce each of you to the other:
E ( is an object-oriented, secure, distributed capability-based language with its main implementation in Java and a secondary implementation written in Common Lisp.
Erlang ( is a mature functional, process-oriented, distributed language with its own virtual machine.
I am writing because I think that E uses an excellent architecture for sending messages between mutually-untrusting components (based on _promises_, also known as _refs_ or _vows_), and because I like Erlang (it is fun to write applications using a dynamically-typed functional language).
Erlang fits all the present needs of my applications, but I recognize that in the future my distributed applications will probably need to communicate with untrusted components across untrusted networks. I like E's architecture, but really don't want to have anything to do with Java-like syntaxes.
In my mind, the only things that would need to be changed in Erlang in order to support E's semantics would be syntax to send E-style messages (that result in a promise), a construct to invoke code when promises are fulfilled, and a flag to indicate that a specific process is untrusted and may only interact with the rest of the system by receiving and sending E-style messages.
For E-style eventual sends, I propose:
Promise = Target !< Message
something like:
LocationPromise = MyCar !< {moveTo, 2, 3} % An asynchronous send which results in a promise
and for associating a promise with result callbacks:
io:format("Associating LocationPromise with callbacks~n"),
promise_case LocationPromise of % This is E's when/catch in more Erlang-friendly syntax
{X, Y} when is_integer(X) and is_integer(Y) -> % The promise resolved to a tuple
io:format("Now at location ~p,~p~n", [X, Y]);
catch E -> % thrown exception or bad match
io:format("Promise broken ~p~n", [E])
after 3000 -> % timeout
io:format("Promise took more than 3 seconds to resolve~n")
io:format("Continuing execution~n")
which would print:
Associating LocationPromise with callbacks
Continuing execution
[... and sometime after LocationPromise is resolved into moveTo's return value]
Now at location 2,3
"promise_case" in this example does a deep scan of its argument, recognizes which are promises, and spawns a process that will wait on those promises and execute the associated callbacks when all have been resolved.
The server side of MyCar would be something like:
handle_send({moveto, X, Y}, State) ->
{reply, {X, Y}, State};
handle_send(Msg, State) ->
{throw, {unexpected_message, Msg}, State}.
Where the gen_server behaviour could be extended to recognize E-style sends and dispatch them to handle_send. I expect that untrusted processes would be able to export their own handle_send implementations, so long as they only used E-style eventual sends and safe Erlang primitives in their bodies.
The advantage to the E community would be yet another implementation and popularization of E. The advantage to the Erlang community would be a robust model for secure distribution and a mechanism for executing untrusted Erlang code which is far more effective than "sandboxing" techniques. Initially, I only want to define the syntax and semantics and implement them in Erlang... adding cryptography and compatibility with the existing Elib is something that I would like to defer until later.
I am prepared to work on the implementation, but I do need to hear what people in each community think about this. I would like to come up with something that both communities are happy with, so that we can work together.
Michael FIG <fig@REDACTED>
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