So, you think you know Erlang?

Richard Carlsson richardc@REDACTED
Mon Jun 5 22:46:03 CEST 2006

Think you know a thing or two about the Erlang language by now?
Do you have nothing to do (for example, because it happens to be
the National Day of Sweden tomorrow)? Here is something for you.

I submitted the following file (attached) to the Obfuscated
Erlang Contest last year, but didn't even make the top three.
In retrospect, it seems like it was a bit of overkill. So,
I now offer it to the list as an excercise and a competition:
the first person who can tell me precisely what the program
does, in sufficient detail, shall be announced on the list
as being a Very Clever and Knowledgeable Erlang Hacker, along
with the explanation and a promise of a drink of the best beer
available whenever we should meet in person.


	/Richard Carlsson

 "Having users is like optimization: the wise course is to delay it."
   -- Paul Graham
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