Vim and Erlang syntax files - update - 2006/07/07

Gaspar Chilingarov nm@REDACTED
Thu Jul 6 23:57:24 CEST 2006


I'm pleased to announce update of my erlang spport package for vim.

Fixed some small problems with highlighting, added convient help
browsing shortcut. With gvim 7.x you can view function definition
(in/outargs) from help in baloon expression.

You can download package from

Readme file from archive is here:

This package includes a bunch of files to help erlang program
development with
vim editor. Most commands will work in 6.3 and 6.4 versions, only one
require 7.0 version to run. Also fixed nasty buf with beaking correct
highlighting after using $" and $% character notations.

What this package incudes:
o	compiler message parsing
o	syntax highligth
o	indentation rules
o	erlang-specific macros and shortcuts
o 	2 coloschemes tuned for erlang development
o 	another files :)

Please refer ls-R file for file-by-file description.

Here are useful commands which you can use editing erlang files after
this package setup.

vim generic shortcuts (from .vimrc)

restoring editint position to last edit position
F2 - save file
F11 - change to next buffer
F4 - toggle explorer and tag manager
F3/Space in normal mode - toggle fold (open/close)
useful changes to n/N search commands (center search result)

gvim generic settings:
ZZ does not close gvi window - only current buffer, to close use :q
<Ctrl-X> - open xterminal in current directory
<Ctrl-Space><Right> 	- change to next buffer
<Ctrl-Space><Left> 	- change to previous buffer
<Ctrl-Space><Up> 	- give UP on this buffer - close it
<Ctrl-Space><Down> 	- write DOWN this buffer to disk

erlang specific shortcuts and commands coming from .vim/ftplugin/erlang*

Commenting out with % sign at line start like in borland IDE's
<Ctrl-K>[ Comment erlang code (add one level of %)
<Ctrl+L>] Strip comments 	  (remove one level of %)

<F9> -  compile current file (see erlang.vim, and uncomment one of the
		cases - using make or directly calling erlc)

<Ctrl-CR> (only in gvim) or ;;  -- show all lines, where identificator
under cursor is used

\l 	-	list all error and warning messages which you got crom compilation
and jump to one of them
\=  -   just to next error message in list
\p  -   jump to previous message in list
\b	-	run make in current dir (same as F9)

ex (in mnormal mode) - show list of all clauses defined in this module

Time saving shortcuts:

<Ctrl-K><Ctrl-K> 	-- lanuch browser with help for this function
		if you are on Module:Function definition it will lookup Module.html under
		/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/, and will try to jump to the Function

completition functions <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-K> and possibly <Ctrl-N> or
<Ctrl-P> will also lookup in
erlang_dictionary which is distributed in this package and have function
names from most of comonly used modules.

\serv 	-- will generate gen_server template code using template in
\ecl    -- generate test clause for use with test_server or simple_server

And - finally quite useful function working only in gvim 7.0 and higher
- baloon evaluation expression --
if you keep cursor on system library module:function call, it will
lookup arguments and return value and
show them in baloon near mouse cursor.

Gaspar Chilingarov

System Administrator,
Network security consulting

t +37493 419763 (mob)
i 63174784

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