Decompile beam to erlang
Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB)
Sat Jan 28 15:03:41 CET 2006
Matthias Lang wrote:
> Writing a decompiler which can turn the above example
> back to source is a fifteen minute job. Writing a
> decompiler which handles more complex Erlang code
> is more time consuming, but not much harder.
Here's a pretty generic way to convert abstract
forms to .erl:
transform(BeamFName, ErlFName) ->
case beam_lib:chunks(BeamFName, [abstract_code]) of
{ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {raw_abstract_v1,Forms}}]}} ->
Src =
{ok, Fd} = file:open(ErlFName, [write]),
io:fwrite(Fd, "~s~n", [Src]),
Error ->
(It _did_ take exactly 15 minutes,
- just trying to hack it from memory
- reading the docs, waiting two minutes for
the webserver to respond
- fetching the docs from local disk
- reading some more, giving up and then
searching my mail archive for an old
mail to Luke Gorrie, where I had included
the above code
- Copy-paste, compiling, running and
verifying the results... :)
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