Recursive list comprehension
Thomas Lindgren
Thu Jan 19 11:25:17 CET 2006
--- Peter-Henry Mander
<erlang@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> I've cc'ed the list too, I like a good argument, and
> the more the
> merrier. Anyone else care to add oil to the flames?
> As you probably realised, I'm talking out of the
> other orifice since I
> know too little Prolog to make a qualified
> judgement. It's not long ago
> that I stumbled on FP and COP and I still don't
> always grok it, and
> logic programming ought to be my next learning curve
> to climb. Now that
> I've #include <std_disclaim.h> I can forge ahead and
> embarrass myself,
> again :-)
Well, you're up against one of the world's top tier
experts on Prolog. Good luck :-)
If you haven't seen this one yet, I can recommend it
when you've mastered the basics:
Regarding Erlang vs Prolog: From what I recall
hearing, there were some concerns about backtracking
and side effects (still apparent when we discuss
guards, one may note), which may have been the
deciding point. Another issue I can vividly imagine is
that the "regular joe" programmers, for whom Erlang
was intended, always have had a hard time writing
useful Prolog -- probably even more so in the mid-80s.
There are, of course, plenty of insiders around who
can reminisce more effectively about this.
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