Funs behaving differently after native compilation
Mikael Pettersson
Thu Jan 12 17:47:20 CET 2006
Joel Reymont writes:
> Folks,
> My funs seem to behave differently when the beams are compiled to
> native code.
> Is there an explanation to this? I am passing indeed passing funs as
> {M, F} and then calling them as per the code below.
> Why does it work when the code is byte-compiled and how do I work
> around these errors?
> monitor(self(), Sock, {gen_udp, close})
> monitor(Sock, Closer) ->
> receive
> {'DOWN', _, process, _, _} ->
> Closer(Sock);
> Any ->
> io:format("Monitor: Unknown:~n~p~n", [Any]),
> monitor(sock, Closer)
> end.
> My make file:
> {'*',[native]}.
> The errors that I get when my code is compiled to native:
> =ERROR REPORT==== 12-Jan-2006::15:42:25 ===
> Error in process <0.31.0> with exit value: {{'EXIT',{{badfun,
> {randomplay,script}},[]}},[]}
A simpler test module:
test1() -> bar1({?MODULE,f}, 42).
test2() -> bar2({?MODULE,f}, 42).
test3() -> bar3({?MODULE,f}, 42).
bar1(MF, X) -> MF(X).
bar2(MF, X) -> apply(MF, [X]).
bar3({M,F}, X) -> M:F(X).
f(42) -> ok.
In this module, test1() to test3() all work in BEAM mode,
but only test2() and test3() work after compilation to native code:
bar:test1() results in a badfun exception.
HiPE could allow bar:test1() to work. The reason it doesn't is
largely political: some people have strong opinions against the
old-fashioned {M,F} functions, and since there are alternatives,
there have been little incentive to extend the compiler to support
them. A secondary reason is that it would cause code bloat for all
MF(X)-like expressions.
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