Bayesian Erlang: Help with translation from Prolog

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Thu Jan 12 02:14:01 CET 2006

This was an easy one. I'm wondering if backtracking can be  
implemented by catching pattern-matching exceptions, though. What do  
you think?



p({patient, cancer}) -> 0.1;
p({patient, smoker}) -> 0.5.

cp({patient, smoker}, {patient, cancer}) -> 0.8;
cp(_, _) -> none.

getp({A, B})
   when is_tuple(A),
        is_tuple(B) ->
     case cp(A, B) of
	none ->
	    Pba = cp(B, A),
	    Pa = getp(A),
	    Pb = getp(B),
	    Pba * Pa / Pb;
	X ->

getp(A) -> p(A).

On Jan 11, 2006, at 10:52 PM, Joel Reymont wrote:

> Folks,
> I'm looking at 
> aix_0304.htm#code_corner and trying to translate the following from  
> Prolog. Would someone kindly lend me a hand?
> 	Thanks, Joel


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