how to use supervisor:start_child?

Mickael Remond mickael.remond@REDACTED
Tue Jan 10 14:31:15 CET 2006

* Dietmar Schaefer <dietmar@REDACTED> [2006-01-10 12:36:14 +0100]:

> Hi !
> I can't get this to work !
dddd> I have a supervisor:
> init([]) ->
>    case  whereis(sup) of
>    undefined ->                    %% register only once
>     register(sup, self());
>    _ -> ok
>    end,
> with a few ChildSpec:
>    AChild    = {xclock,{xclock,start_link,[]},
>          permanent,2000,worker,[xclock]},
>    StopChild = {stop_wrp,{stop_wrp,start_link,[]},
>         permanent,2000,worker,[stop_wrp]},
>    SimpleSup = {dynamic, {dynamic, start_link, []},
>        transient, 2000, worker, [dynamic]},
>    {ok,{{one_for_one,1,1}, [StopChild]}}.
> I I try to start_child
> supervisor:start_child(sup,[{dynamic, {dynamic, start_link, 
> []},transient, 2000, worker, [dynamic]}]).
> I get
> {error,{invalid_child_spec,[{dynamic,{dynamic,start_link,[]},
>                                     transient,
>                                     2000,
>                                     worker,
>                                     [dynamic]}]}}
> How can this be?
> ( it should be valid because I can use it in the return value of 
> supervisor:init)
> ok,{{one_for_one,1,1}, [SimpeSup]}}.

Maybe you should try removing the surrounding list around the child spec:
With the surrounding list it tries to consider the list as an extra
parameter for the Child spec description defined at the start of the

The doc states:
    start_child(SupRef, ChildSpec) -> Result

	   Types  SupRef = Name | {Name, Node} | {global, Name} | pid()
                   Name = Node = atom()
                   ChildSpec = child_spec() | [term()]
		   Result = {ok, Child} | {ok, Child, Info} | {error,
                   Child = pid() | undefined
                   Info = term()
                   Error = already_present | {already_started, Child}
                                           | term()

So maybe using  
 supervisor:start_child(sup,{dynamic, {dynamic, start_link,
 []},transient, 2000, worker, [dynamic]}).

can help. It might not be the only problem however.

I hope this helps,

Mickaël Rémond

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