[erlang-questions] Invalid data on distribution channel

Bob Cowdery Bob.Cowdery@REDACTED
Fri Dec 22 10:24:50 CET 2006


On 12/22/06, Bob Cowdery <Bob.Cowdery@REDACTED> wrote:
> This I believe is coming from a port driver so it would be binary. I assume you are saying there is a gash byte at the start. It does seem like a lot of data for a short message. Also I don't recognise the message as anything I send. How can I determine what process the Pid referes to? Sorry for all the questions.

No problem.

The pid being <6770.51.0> you can see what node it runs on by using
node(Pid), which in this case will say "switcher@REDACTED". I know
because that string is actually part of the binary representation -
that's why it's relatively large (and also there is another identical
message beginning after this one).

You can also run process_info(Pid) to find out more about it.


If I type node(<n.n.n>) I just get a syntax error (and with any other format I can think of). Also with some debug in I notice my transmission is not keeping up with the data so a queue is building up of binary data (approx 8192 doubles per send). The actual debug lines might be slowing it down enough to actually cause this. Is there some way to monitor the message queues. I tried toolbar but it does not show my processes. There should be about 5 nodes and 10 or so processes running.


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