erlrt + yaws = error?

Christophe Romain christophe.romain@REDACTED
Wed Aug 30 10:24:48 CEST 2006

yaws is not completely integrated into erlrt by now.
we are actually using erlrt + yaws "as this" in embedded mode.

> I sent some patches a few weeks ago, but I don't think anything has
> happened.
work is in progress and almost done.
upgrading REPOS and adding erlrt packages was time consuming, REPOS and 
erlrt are actually merged to make CEAN.
a web site is actually tested and will be online soon.
the site will provide binary archives of all know erlang contribs, 
including otp, and will show a coverage matrix to know exactly what is 
working and what needs compilation time.
package installation will be as simple as with erlrt, with better 
dependency handling.

> Given the two or three days I wasted trying to get that stuff to work, 
> I can't
> recommend bothering just yet until these issues get resolved.
ertrt was just a proof of concept thing and an experimental packaging 
please wait few weeks for CEAN to be online.

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