Erlang-DBMS survey for bachelor thesis

Emil Hellman emil@REDACTED
Thu Apr 13 14:07:05 CEST 2006


I am a student at the IT-University of Gothenburg, doing my thesis 
project on what aspects of DBMSs are important to developers when 
creating Erlang systems with large data storage demands. I am looking 
for people who have worked with Erlang in concjunciton with DBMSs on 
projects with scalability requirements, especially requirements where 
mnesia has proven not to be enough or has been pushed to its limits. If 
you feel you fit this description, I would appreciate if you can take a 
moment to answere the survey in the link below. 

It should not take more than two minites. When my thesis is done, I will
happily share my experiences with you.

Many thanks,
Emil Hellman
-- <>

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