duplicate a image with gs

Matthias Lang matthias@REDACTED
Wed Apr 12 12:05:46 CEST 2006

 >  > This not the point.
 >  > But, is there any solution to manualy unload or delete graphic components
 >  > (or variables) in memory, for example like the function free in C ?

And now, in the vague hope of putting an end to this thread,
here is some code which uses gs to make an animated progress bar.




go() ->
  Top = gs:start(),
  W = gs:window(Top, {map, true}),
  C = gs:create(canvas, W, [{width, 100}, {height, 20}]),
  R1 = gs:create(rectangle, C, 
          [{coords, [{0,1}, {0,10}]}, {fg, red}, {fill, red}]),
  R2 = gs:create(rectangle, C, 
          [{coords, [{0,1}, {100,10}]}, {fg, green}, {fill, green}]),
  animate(R1, R2, 1),

animate(_R1, _R2, 100) -> 
animate(R1, R2, N) ->
  gs:config(R1, [{coords, [{0,1}, {N,10}]}]),
  gs:config(R2, [{coords, [{N,1}, {100,10}]}]),
  animate(R1, R2, N + 1).

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