gen_server documentation

Samuel Rivas samuel@REDACTED
Fri Apr 7 12:02:49 CEST 2006


Documentation for gen_server:start_link reads:

  "  If Module:init/1 fails with Reason, the function returns
  {error,Reason}. If Module:init/1 returns {stop,Reason} or ignore, the
  process is terminated and the function returns {error,Reason} or ignore,

For gen_server:start it refers to previous definition.

  However, both functions behaves differently: in both cases start_link exits,
  while start returns {error, Reason}:



init(_) ->

1> gen_server:start_link(dumb_server, [], []).
** exited: foo **
2> gen_server:start(dumb_server, [], []).



init(_) ->
        {stop, foo}.

1> gen_server:start_link(dumb_server, [], []).
** exited: foo **
2> gen_server:start(dumb_server, [], []).     


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