VVSS2005 - Call for Participation and Posters
Punter, H.T.
Fri Oct 28 15:15:06 CEST 2005
Dear Mr/Mrs,
VVSS2005 is the 2nd European Symposium about Verification and Validation of Software Systems (also known as Software Testing). It will take place on 24th of November 2005 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Herewith we invite you to register for the VVSS2005 symposium as well as to submit a Poster for the Poster session (still open).
VVSS2005 offers you 30 presentations, 2 keynote presentations, a tool exhibition and poster sessions to get an overall picture of the most recent developments in Verification and Validation (V&V). There will be presentations of (Test)Experts from e.g., Atos Origin, Collis, Deloitte, Gartner, Ordina & Sogeti as well as from top-3 testing tool vendors: Compuware, Mercury and IBM Rational. Furthermore, V&V-researchers from a.o. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, CEA List, KU Leuven will be available for you.
Normal the entrance will be € 195,-. But as you register before the first of November the entrance will be € 150,-.
• See for further details about the online program and registration www.laquso.com/VVSS2005/
• Receive the full-color program brochure by post by sending an e-mail to vvss2005@REDACTED (with in body your name, post address and the text "send brochure").
VVSS2005 is organized by LaQuSo - the Laboratory for Quality Software, a cooperation of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven and Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. With this symposium LaQuSo intends to provide you with an independent forum of national as well as international speakers where innovations in testing are presented. Presentations address academics as well as practitioners.
Extension of deadline for Poster submission:
Submitting a Poster to VVSS2005 Poster session is still possible. Please submit a one-page long abstract to be included in the Proceedings. Works in progress, Ph.D. summaries, experience reports, and system descriptions are welcome. For further information please contact:
- Teade Punter (t.punter@REDACTED) or
- Marko van Eekelen (marko@REDACTED)
Please submit your abstract to vvss2005@REDACTED
Date: 24 November 2005
Place: Auditorium, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Netherlands Program and registration: www.laquso.com/VVSS2005/
Information: vvss2005@REDACTED
Looking forward to welcome you in Eindhoven on 24th of November.
LaQuSo – Laboratory for Quality Software
P.S. apologies for multiple copies.
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