geometric memory growth
Tony Rogvall
Sat Nov 26 17:09:00 CET 2005
> Your point seems to be that the only bindings that should
> occur in
> SendF = fun(To, Msg) ->
> msg(, ChNo, To, Msg)
> end
> would be State and ChNo - but I'm not interested in State.
> I think it's most intuitive to think of the two
> constructs above as exactly equivalent.
I guess the (not so) general question is something like:
Given a function f and a bound variable B (constant!) . Under what
circumstances may f(B) be evaluated while defining the
function bound to F.
F = fun() -> f(B) end,
I would guess that any function f not producing side effects would be
safe to evaluate
B = {1,2,3},
F = fun() -> element(1, B) end,
The expression element(1, B) is of course always constant 1 in the
above example
B = {1,2,3}
F = fun() -> self() ! B end,
Is not ok to evaluate while defining F.
One (BIG) problem would be error cases:
g(B) ->
fun() -> element(1, B) end.
could be rewritten as
g(B) ->
T1 = element(1, B),
fun() -> T1 end.
But what if B is not a tuple or is {} then the fault will be
generated in the wrong place.
While calling g and not when executing function result of g.
(Solution, delay the faults ;-)
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