Distributed Erlang embeded startup problem

Eranga Udesh eudesh@REDACTED
Thu Jun 30 17:42:52 CEST 2005


I have created a target system. It's a distributed system, having 2
optional nodes, if one failes application failover to the other node.
If the high priority node comes alive it takes over.

Attached files are,
sys.config - configuration file in one node. The other node's file
just have the name of this node in "sync_nodes_optional"
esme.system - Linux init file

The init file is located at /etc/rc.d/init.d and in linked to

When I ran init files manually, the system starts well. When a node
fails, it fall backs and everything works smoothly.

But when I restart both systems, once they come up, I see both are
running the same application.

When I ran the nodes() in one node, I can see that it has connected to
other node too.

What puzzeling me is, why it runs correctly when I ran manually and
why it doesn't in a system reboot.

Please help.

Thanks in advance,
- Eranga
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