TCP stack throughput

Ulf Wiger (AL/EAB) ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Tue Jul 5 14:34:43 CEST 2005

I rewrote the tcp_server module slightly (attached), 
and ran the server and client in different shells to 
better observe what's happening.
I tried setting the acceptor process to high priority until
the accept() call returned, then setting it to normal prio,
yielding, and then calling the handler. That didn't help.
The delay is not due to scheduling delay caused by processing
backlog in erlang.

I then wrapped the inet:accept() call with a timer:tc()
and logged the result in an ets table. After trying 1000
clients, I checked the ets table, and found that the longest
accept() call took 43 seconds. That's running one acceptor
at a time. See below.

I also noticed that the accept calls seem to go quickly in
batches of 100-200, then followed by an increasingly long

A possibility is perhaps that there are retransmissions
at the TCP level. But previous runs with tcpdump gave no
such indications.


start_acceptor(S, Fun, T) ->
    Parent = self(),
      fun() ->
	      case timer:tc(inet_tcp, accept, [S]) of
		  {Time, {ok, Sock}} ->
		      ets:insert(stats, {self(), Time}),
		      Parent ! accepted,
		      process_flag(priority, normal),
			  {tcp, Sock, Msg} ->
			      Prev = ets:update_counter(T, total, 1),
			      io:format("<~p> ", [Prev]),
			      Fun(Msg, Sock),
			  Msg ->
			      io:format("Msg = ~p~n", [Msg])
		  Error ->
      end, [link, {priority, high}]),
	accepted ->
	    start_acceptor(S, Fun, T)

4> io:format("~p~n", [v(2)]).
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