Using Erlang for Comsuming Web Services using SOAP

Neil Campbell s9902088@REDACTED
Wed Jan 12 18:09:54 CET 2005


I am currently trying to use Erlang to send SOAP requests and receive 
responses.  I have downloaded the "erlsoap-0.3" library but cannot find 
any documentation for it.  I've searched around for examples of the 
library's use but haven't had any luck.  I've also looked through the 
source but I'm still not sure how to get moving on this.

Does anyone have experience either using this library for accessing 
(i.e. not hosting) web services or know of any other helpful libraries 
or features that I have missed?

FYI:  I am using Erlang for some undergraduate project work for my 
Computer Science degree at Edinburgh University.  I am trying to access 
Amazon's Web Services portal in order to demonstrate some of the 
features of Erlang in comparison to C-omega.  C-omega is an extension of 
C# which is aimed at programmers writing concurrent, distributed 
systems.  I am implemeting various system in both languages in order to 
provide an interesting comparison.

Any assistance or advice would be much appreciated.


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