Beginner OTP question
Bill Mill
Fri Feb 18 04:25:18 CET 2005
Hey everyone, all I want to do is get a very simple example of two
erlang processes talking to each other. The only additional
complication is that I want one of them to be a gen_server.
I have written a minimal OTP gen_server that looks like:
%%%%%%%%%%% myserver.erl %%%%%%%%%%
-export([start/0, init/1, send/0, handle_call/3]).
start() ->
gen_server:start({global, myserver}, myserver, [], []).
init(_Args) ->
{ok, ""}.
send() ->
gen_server:call(myserver, send).
handle_call(send, From, _State) ->
io:format("send called from ~p", [From]),
{reply, "Thanks for calling", ""}.
%%%%%%%% end myserver.erl %%%%%%%%%
and then started it like:
/c/code/erlang/myserver$ erl -sname hello
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.3 [source] [hipe]
Eshell V5.4.3 (abort with ^G)
(hello@REDACTED)1> myserver:start().
How would I go about starting another process and getting it to
communicate with this server? Here's what I expect to work, which
obviously doesn't:
/c/code/erlang/test$ erl -sname gbye
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.4.3 [source] [hipe]
Eshell V5.4.3 (abort with ^G)
(gbye@REDACTED)1> {myserver, myserver@REDACTED} ! send.
Am i missing something fundamental here? How could I get "gbye" to
talk to "hello"? Is there something wrong with the server?
Bill Mill
bill.mill at
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