online documentation for r10b

Bengt Kleberg bengt.kleberg@REDACTED
Wed Feb 9 16:26:40 CET 2005


i have previously asked for clearification of some snmp user guide 
pages (or asked if i should file a bug report :-).

no answer.

here i go again. this time i wonder if the manual page for the mnesia 
module is correct when it says:

''dirty_delete_object(Tab, Record)

This is the dirty equivalent of the mnesia:delete_object/3 function.''

i can not find delete_object/3.

secondly, most of the dirty_*() functions has a return specification like:

dirty_read(Tab, Key) -> ValueList | exit({aborted, Reason}

since dirty_read/2 is not supposed to be used in a transaction i wonder 
if ''aborted'' is correct?


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