jinterface and erlang node

Vlad Dumitrescu vlad_dumitrescu@REDACTED
Wed Feb 2 20:10:17 CET 2005

From: <tty@REDACTED>
> My Java code starts as:
>              ---------------------
> node = new OtpNode("java_client");
> mbox = node.createNode("client1");

maybe you mean
    mbox = node.createMbox("client1");

> How do I go about sending/receiving messages using jinterface ?

You can use the created mbox to send and receive messages. The mbox is the 
equivalent of an Erlang process (seen from the outside), as it has a unique 
pid, and a registered name "client1"

See the jinterface documentation for details, examples are provided.

If it's still unclear, ask again! Good luck!

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