how to design large erlang systems
Joe Armstrong (AL/EAB)
Wed Apr 20 09:10:05 CEST 2005
Quick answer:
OO design is all about identifying the objects
CO design is all about identifying the concurrency
To write an Erlang program you must identify the concurrency in your problem.
If this is a program that interacts or models the real-world then identifying the
concurrency is easy - just look - use your eyes.
If you're writing a poker game with four players use four processes - If your are writing
an IRC program connected to 5 servers and 25 groups use 5 server processes and 25 group processes
Make the number of processes in your pgram map 1:1 with the concurrent structure in
your problem.
Longer answer:
This is how I (In theory) go about things:
0) Restudy
Identify the most difficult problems that are unsolved - these
are the "show stoppers" - write small prototypes to solve *all*
such problems - if your have solved all such problems proceed
otherwise give up
1) Identify the concurrency structure of the problem
Identify the processes you need and name all the processes.
(If you don't name things you would be able to talk about them)
Identify the message channels between the processes.
Sketch the APIs that will create the processes and encapsulate
the operation performed between processes.
Often the design will break down into well-understood programming patterns
Supervision tree
Use these patterns wherever possible
2) Identify the failure paths at a process level
You need to think like this: "If process A dies then B will receive a
error message and do the error recovery for A" - so identify which processes might
die, and who is to do the error recovery if they do die.
3) Write down the APIs
Implement the design. Use one module per process class.
I use the "flotilla" naming principle. A "main" module called
xyz and a load of sub-modules with names like xyz_do_this xyz_do_that
Cross process calls should always be made to main modules and not sub modules.
ie functions in xyx_abc can call any functions in xyz sub-modules (like xyz_foo)
but only functions in pqr and not sub-modules to pqr.
Incidentally most problems only need a smallish number of process types
so the name-space pollution problem is not that bad.
4) Implement the stuff process at a time testing as you go.
If your design involves the use of client-server etc. Use the OTP behaviours.
Write a clearly and as cleanly as possible - DO NOT OPTIMISE YOUR CODE
Start with the global registered processes they are easiest to debug.
Mail this list to see if anybody has already implemented what you want.
Keep the parts as isolated as possible so that errors in incorrect code cannot
propagate to correct code.
5) Integrate/test/measure
Test the system - use invariants as much as possible.
In most cases your system will be efficient enough - if not measure and find out where
the inefficiency is - look in two particular areas; I/O input especially where you have
to parse the inputs and bad concurrency structures (two few or two many processes)
In practise I do bits of 0..5 simultaneously :-)
The other thing is write clear specifications as you go - as you develop the program
you will get sudden flashes of insight "ah ha - That's what it should do" - if you are on
the right track carry on. If not throw away ALL your code and start again.
Oh and listen to your subconscious - if you get the " this is not right but I don't know why "
feeling - stop - conversely if you get the " I know this is right " feeling don't stop, just
turn off your brain and type the code in.
There is a mis-conception - the best programs "write themselves" so they need no design
they have always been and they will always be - you just have to see them and write them down.
At first you grope blindly and then you see them.
(This is the Platonic view of programming - that programs have a priori existence,
we don't invent them, they have always been, we perceive them and write them down :-)
<this is the reason why two independent programmers when given a problem to solve
often produce identical (to within renaming of parts) programs - since there is
only one solution - the correct solution>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED
> [mailto:owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED]On Behalf Of Martin Ankerl
> Sent: den 19 april 2005 18:47
> To: Erlang Users' List
> Subject: how to design large erlang systems
> Hi! A few days ago I have started to look at Erlang, and so far I
> really like it. Having mostly OOP background, I am very curious how
> large software systems are designed in Erlang. I mean, I can design
> large object oriented systems with class hierarchies, namespaces,
> packages etc; while in erlang each file is one module (in case I did
> not miss something).
> Are there any documents for design patterns or best-practices for how
> to write large Erlang applications?
> I would also be very interested in some kind of "Erlang for Java
> /C#/Ruby/Python developers" document :-)
> --
> Martin Ankerl |
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