Traversing a binary
Javier París Fernández
Tue Sep 21 23:22:04 CEST 2004
On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 10:52:09PM +0200, Erik Stenman wrote:
> I'm no Tcp expert, but are you sure?
> Is it not defined as the 16-bit 1's complement sum?
> I.e. something like:
> '+'(A,B) ->
> S = A + B,
> S band 16#ffff + (S bsr 16).
It is as you say. I didn't post all the code, only the part that looped
through the binary. I only add the carry at the end, as the result is
the same.
> One problem with your code is that it generates bignums (heap-allocated
> large integers),
> but if it is the 16-bit 1's complement sum, then you don't need large
> integers.
I assume that a bignum is an integer bigger than the word size of the
machine (Correct me if i'm wrong). I don't think i can have a checksum
bigger than 4Gb. The biggest packet i may have is 64Kb (Because of ip).
So, in the worst case there would be 2^15 two byte pairs. If all are
16#ffff that would add to 2^31, which fits in the 32 bits machine word.
> You could also traverse the binary without creating new sub-binaries, by
> keeping
> track of how many byte-pairs you have seen (N):
> c(N,Bin,Csum) ->
> case Bin of
> <<_:N/binary, Num:16/integer,_/binary>> ->
> c(N+2,Bin,'+'(Csum,Num));
> <<_:N/binary, Num:8/integer>> ->
> '+'(Csum,Num bsl 8);
> _ -> Csum
> end.
That's something i hadn't think about. Seems a good idea.
> Unfortunately even with these two changes the code does not become much
> faster...
> I have attached a test program that calculates the checksum in 4 different
> ways,
> and prints the execution times in microseconds, but the function c/3 above
> is the fastest.
I'll try it then. Maybe it's fast enough.
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