unsafe variables in try?

Raimo Niskanen raimo@REDACTED
Tue Oct 26 08:45:27 CEST 2004

Try this (I have not tried it myself):

split(Bin, N) ->
        <<X:N/unit:8, R/binary>> = Bin, 
        error:badarg -> throw(format)

or this:

split(Bin, N) ->
    case Bin of
        <<X:N/unit:8, R/binary>> -> {X,R};
        _ -> throw(format)

mscandar@REDACTED (Mark Scandariato) writes:

> The compiler complains that X and R are unsafe:
>      split(Bin, N) ->
>          try <<X:N/unit:8, R/binary>> = Bin
>          case
>              error:badarg -> throw(format)
>          end,
>          {X, R}.
> Is there any way to get it to accept the above code?
> This, of course, works (but but seems otherwise needless):
>      split(Bin, N) ->
>          try split2(Bin, N)
>          case
>              error:badarg -> throw(format)
>          end.
>      split2(Bin, N) -> <<X:N/unit:8, R/binary>> = Bin.
> It'd be really nice if this worked:
>      split(N, <<X:N/unit:8, R/binary>>) -> {X, R};
>      split(_, _) -> throw(format).
> Thanks,
> Mark.


/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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