need better way to communicate between c node and erlang node

suresh saragadam sureshsaragadam@REDACTED
Sun Oct 17 07:39:20 CEST 2004


In the previous mail i have not mentioned the error,

Connection is ertablished between C node and Erlang node, no error
some run time memory error related to OS windows has occured 

problem should be here

 -> arr[0] = SELF(sockfd);
i dont understand why in this example

he is not using there lines of code 
extern const char *erl_thisnodename(void);
extern short erl_thiscreation(void);
#define SELF(fd) erl_mk_pid(erl_thisnodename(),fd,0,erl_thiscreation())

which are mentioned in erl_interface OTP manual 

thanking you

suresh saragadam

one more i dont understand why i am not receiving erlang-quetions
archive into my mail box

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