Tip of the day

Joe Armstrong joe@REDACTED
Fri Nov 12 14:21:13 CET 2004


Put This in your .emacs file

; Enabling time-stamp will update a time-stamp line every time you
; save a buffer. The time-stamp string must be either:
; Time-stamp: <2004-11-12 14:20:49 joe>;
; and it must occur within the first 8 lines of the buffer.
(if (not (memq 'time-stamp write-file-hooks))
(setq write-file-hooks
(cons 'time-stamp write-file-hooks)))
(setq time-stamp-active t)

Then put this in somewhere in the first 8 lines of
of your Erlang code (or any other file for that matter)

%% Time-stamp: <>

When you save the file the <> will be updated with a time stamp.

Very nice



  ( I quite often manually change time stamps in files.)

   Say I  do this in  ten files/day and  it takes ten seconds  per file
this is a saving of 100 seconds/day - If I program for 300 days of the
year this is 30000 seconds/year = 8.3 hours/year

   If I  program for  55 years =  19 days/lifetime.


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