SASL Question

Chandrashekhar Mullaparthi chandrashekhar.mullaparthi@REDACTED
Fri Jun 25 18:36:42 CEST 2004

Don't know what's causing your behaviour, but this works for us.

  {sasl,         [{error_logger_mf_dir, 
                  {error_logger_mf_maxbytes, 100000},
                  {error_logger_mf_maxfiles, 8}]},

It rotates around 8 files each of size ~100KB


On 24 Jun 2004, at 16:45, Rudolph van Graan wrote:

> Hi All,
> Quick question... I've configured SASL like this:
>  {sasl,[
>     {sasl_error_logger,{file,"/var/log/erl/error.log"}}
> And like this
>  {sasl,[
>     {sasl_error_logger,{file,"/var/log/erl/error.log"}},
>     {errlog_type,error}
> In both cases I get SASL to log me progress reports and supervisor 
> reports into the specified file. Things like this:
> =PROGRESS REPORT==== 24-Jun-2004::15:38:14 ===
>          application: app
>           started_at: app@REDACTED
> The problem is this: I don't see any error reports or anything again 
> after startup, ever. It seems that SASL just stops recording error 
> reports and ignores the error reports. I am sure that a lot of error 
> reports occur, but for the life of me I cannot seem to convince SASL 
> to log them for me. Is there anything obvious I miss?
> While I'm at it... SASL also seems to delete the log file everytime 
> the erl VM is restarted. Why is this and how do I convince it not to 
> do this and to simply append to the current one?
> Regards,
> Rudolph van Graan

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