spawn without linking?
Sean Hinde
Fri Apr 23 00:32:52 CEST 2004
On 21 Apr 2004, at 04:20, Shawn Pearce wrote:
> Actually, it is that hard to do... the OTP behaviors offer lots
> of well tested/debugging implementations which handle the border
> cases extremely well. Which a naive quick implementation using
> just the basic spawn_link/* and trap_exit won't get quite right on
> the first few tries.
> OTP rocks for that reason alone... but yea, gen_server isn't the
> most "Erlang" way to write a server, but its the Erlang/OTP way.
How about this which I had fun writing today. It is almost Erlangish,
and it is something like OTP, and it is exactly Joe's selective receive
example. I can't decide whether it is ugly or profoundly beautiful.
%% Call a bunch of gen_servers with different requests in
%% parallel and return successes and failures. Any which
%% fail to answer within Timeout ms are included as failures.
%% We require that the calling process will continue to ignore
%% late answers
multi_call(Requests, Timeout) ->
Mrefs = lists:map(
fun({Name, Req}) ->
Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Name),
Name ! {'$gen_call', {self(), Mref}, Req},
{Name, Mref}
end, Requests),
get_results(Mrefs, [], [], Timeout, now()).
get_results([{Name, Mref}|T], Succ, Fail, Timeout, Now_at_start) ->
Timeout_val = max(Timeout - (timer:now_diff(now(), Now_at_start)
div 1000), 0),
{Mref, Reply} ->
{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} ->
get_results(T, [{Name, Reply}|Succ], Fail, Timeout,
after 0 ->
get_results(T, [{Name, Reply}|Succ], Fail, Timeout,
{'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} ->
get_results(T, Succ, [Name|Fail], Timeout, Now_at_start)
after Timeout_val ->
get_results(T, Succ, [Name|Fail], Timeout, Now_at_start)
get_results([], Succ, Fail, _, _) ->
{Succ, Fail}.
max(A, B) when A >= B -> A;
max(A, B) -> B.
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