finding my own IPv6 address

Fredrik Thulin ft@REDACTED
Mon Apr 19 08:33:42 CEST 2004


In SIP, it is (unfortunately) necessary for you to know your own IP address 
from time to time. For IPv4 we (Yxa SIP-server/stack) have been using the 
undocumented and unsupported function inet:get_if() with great success. Now 
I'm wondering if there is maybe an equally undocumented and unsupported way 
of finding your own IPv6 address (without querying DNS for your hostname)?

I tried the following :

  1> {ok, S} = inet_udp:open(0,[inet6]).
  2> inet:ifget(S, "vr0", [addr, flags]).

to pass a v6-socket to prim_inet:ifget() instead of the default v4 socket 
inet:withsocket() would use, but unfortunately it only returns my v4 address.

Anybody know a way of doing this?


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