BUG: in io:fread/3: doesn't return eof
david wallin
Fri Oct 10 17:19:26 CEST 2003
Subject says it all really. With release R9C-0 io:fread/3 doesn't
return 'eof' but an error.
The following function worked fine with R9B-1 but now I get an '{error,
Error}' instead of 'eof'.
get_best_fitness(Io) ->
case io:fread(Io, 'adhoc> ', "~d~f~f~d~f") of
{ok, [Generation, BestFitness, AvgFitness, ValidSol, Entropy]} ->
{Generation, BestFitness} ;
{error, Error} ->
io:format("~p.get_best_fitness: unexpected format '~p'\n",
[?MODULE, Error]),
error ;
eof -> eof
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