limitations of SSL

Nicolas Niclausse nicolas.niclausse@REDACTED
Thu Nov 27 10:09:28 CET 2003

>>>>> "Peter" == Peter H|gfeldt <peter@REDACTED> écrivait:

 Peter> An immediate solution for you would then be to rebuild the SSL
 Peter> port program (ssl_esock) with FD_SETSIZE set, for instance in
 Peter> the Makefile (I assume you know how to do that).

Ok, I will try that

 Peter> The "final" solution is to replace `select' with `poll', which
 Peter> does not have a FD_SETSIZE limitation; at least for Unix.

That would be nice 

 Peter> I will add the improvement request to our todo-list for the next
 Peter> release.

thanks !

Nicolas NICLAUSSE                       IDEALX S.A.S.
Tél:01 44 42 00 00            

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