UML <-> Erlang
Eric Newhuis
Mon Nov 17 15:27:28 CET 2003
What are the odds of a number of Erlang supporters convincing the UML
community that there is more work to do to truly have a "Unified"
modeling language? Does anyone know how one could accomplish this?
Maybe the first step is to list the problems? But perhaps one should
also list the things that might work well in UML's present form.
I would like to investigate UML in its current state to design some
additions to a year-old architecture. I think UML offers a number of
1. Since it is standardized, does it have clarity over ad-hoc
diagramming approaches when many parties new to Erlang are involved in
the design process?
2. Could a class be used to model a gen_server? And if the Erlang
application has many gen_servers then wouldn't simple UML class
diagrams help illustrate the design better than other approaches?
3. Can UML's state diagrams show some insights on particularly nasty
4. If parts of the system had to be developed in some other language
then wouldn't access to a UML design provide a good starting point for
5. Are there other areas where UML would work well with Erlang?
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