Web applications unification

Mikael Karlsson mikael.karlsson@REDACTED
Tue May 27 19:33:35 CEST 2003

tisdag 27 maj 2003 13:36 skrev Ulf Wiger:
> On Tue, 27 May 2003, Mikael Karlsson wrote:
> >So why not set some kind of standard interface or framework
> >to build it on?
> >
> >Like:
> >- http server: Yaws
> >- http client:  inets (originally jnets) http.erl
> >- ODBC, Corba etc: Erlang/OTP
> >- application control/configuration: Erlang/OTP
> >- authentication: eldap ?
> >- XML: xmerl
> >- XML-RPC: xmlrpc (with interface to yaws and inets/http client)
> >- SOAP: idx-soap (with interface to yaws and inets/http client)
> >
> >I think most things are (almost) in place to build a
> >*really good* web application framework with Erlang.
> I agree. I also added 'builder' to jungerl as an attempt to
> provide a lightweight aide for packaging OTP applications
> and building start scripts. I don't know how well it
> succeeded (and it does need more work).
> The general idea was that you should be able to
> incrementally build more and more complex systems with
> relative ease.
> /Uffe

Yes, hmm this means that one should use generic behaviours like 
gen_server etc. in such a framework? 

I noticed that xmlrpc uses generic behaviours in the latest version (1.13),
but I can not find any "-behaviour(gen_server)" statement in the code.
How is that?

For SOAP there is also ErlSOAP 0.2, which seems to make use of 
inets http client:

Wouldn't the Erlang projects site be good forum for setting an application
server framework/interface ?


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