Problems with Strings
Raimo Niskanen
Fri Mar 28 07:49:34 CET 2003
inversa("") -> "";
inversa([Ini|Cont]) -> Inv= inversa(Cont), [Ini|Inv].
You have accidentally built a deep list, which does not print as a
string (beginner mistake no ~3). If you would have written your deep
list to a file, or printed it with io:format("~s~n", [[$c,[$a,[$b]]]]),
you would have got what you wanted.
And why not use lists:reverse/1,2 instead of writing your own? They use
a built in emulator function that is much faster than any Erlang code.
Background: There are no strings in Erlang. They are represented as
lists of character ascii values. "abc" is syntactical sugar for
[$a,$b,$c]. If you print a list using format character ~p it will use
the "abc" syntactical sugar style if the list is a flat list of
printable characters.
/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP
Pablo Dejuan wrote:
> Hi. I'm new in this and I have dificulties using strings. I tried to do
> an "inverese" function that should turn "bac" into "cab" but instead of
> this I get [98,[97,[99,[]]]] which I noticed that are tha Ascii codes
> for c, a, and b.
> Here is the code:
> inversa("") -> "";
> inversa([Ini|Cont]) -> Inv= inversa(Cont), [Ini,Inv].
> Thanks In Advance.
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