SV: Erlang Nested Records
Peter Lund
Wed Mar 19 06:56:02 CET 2003
You seem to have forgot a "=". Look below:
NewAdditionalAmountRecord =
data_length = 1,
additional_amount_data_1 = %% HERE you forgot the "="
account_type = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 1, 2),
amount_type = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 3, 2),
currency_code = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 5, 3),
amount_sign = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 8, 1),
amount = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 9, 12)
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Fran: owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED
> [mailto:owner-erlang-questions@REDACTED]For DANIESC SCHUTTE
> Skickat: den 19 mars 2003 05:31
> Till: <
> Amne: Erlang Nested Records
> Morning to everyone,
> I have got a question about adressing nested records - is there a
> standard rule of thumb :) that can be used.
> given the following record formats:
> %% ==========================================================
> record formats begin
> -record( additional_amount_data, {
> account_type,
> amount_type,
> currency_code,
> amount_sign,
> amount }).
> -record( additional_amounts, {
> data_length,
> additional_amount_data_1 = #additional_amount_data{},
> additional_amount_data_2 = #additional_amount_data{},
> additional_amount_data_3 = #additional_amount_data{},
> additional_amount_data_4 = #additional_amount_data{},
> additional_amount_data_5 = #additional_amount_data{},
> additional_amount_data_6 = #additional_amount_data{}
> }).
> %% ==========================================================
> record formats end
> how would one assign values to additional amounts internal
> records? the following syntax yielded a syntax error -
> the assignment can be done by first assigning the data_length
> attribute and then in another Record assign the additional amount
> data. But is there a more elegant "single" assignment statement
> that works - I tried a few without success - so I now know which
> DOES NOT work :)
> %% ==========================================================
> record assignment code (syntax error) begin
> case RecordNumber of
> 1 -> NewAdditionalAmountRecord =
> AdditionalAmountRecord#additional_amounts{ data_length = 1,
> additional_amount_data_1#additional_amount_data{
> account_type = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 1, 2),
> amount_type = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 3, 2),
> currency_code = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 5, 3),
> amount_sign = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 8, 1),
> amount = lists:sublist(AdditionalAmountData, 9, 12)}},
> unpack_additional_amounts(DataLength-20,
> lists:nthtail(20,AdditionalAmountData), 2, NewAdditionalAmountRecord);
> %% ==========================================================
> record assignment code (syntax error) end.
> Thanks to everyone helping and responding
> Danie Schutte
> Phone: +27 - 11 - 203 - 1615
> Mobile: 084-468-3138
> e-Mail: Daniesc@REDACTED
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