Functions in data structures

Luke Gorrie luke@REDACTED
Tue Jun 17 12:29:51 CEST 2003

"Fredrik Linder" <fredrik.linder@REDACTED> writes:

> -- ZIP --
> > There is another option, seldomly exercized: you can send an
> > abstract form and evaluate it on the other side. This is
> > more stable in time and space than the other option, but
> > at the cost of slightly worse performance. The performance
> > issue can be partly overcome by on-the-fly compilation.
> >
> > /Uffe
> Interesting, is that implemented within Erlang? And if so, where can I read
> about it/how to use it?

Consider this shell fragment:

  (x@REDACTED)1> Node = node().
  (x@REDACTED)2> F = fun() -> {fun_created_on, Node} end.

The last return value, #Fun<erl_eval.19.280769>, is not a fun created
directly from the expression {fun_created_on, Node}. Instead, the fun
was created in erl_eval, and it captures the current variable bindings
and the syntax-tree of the code it's actually supposed to run
(i.e. {fun_created_on, Node}).

Here is the bit of erl_eval that creates the fun:

 1. expr({'fun',Line,{clauses,Cs}}, Bs, Lf) ->
 2.     %% This is a really ugly hack!
 3.     case length(element(3,hd(Cs))) of
 4.         0 -> {value,fun () -> eval_fun(Cs, [], Bs, Lf) end,Bs};

If you actually call the fun:

  (x@REDACTED)3> F().  

The code it executes is actually the eval_fun(...) from line (4)
above. This then *interprets* the {fun_created_on, Node} expression,
which was captured in the erl_eval fun along with the set of variable

Very groovy!

The nice part is that, so long as two nodes have compatible copies of
erl_eval, they will always be able to run each others' code in this

BTW, here is a code snippet out of Distel's backend which uses
erl_eval directly:

  eval_expression(S) ->
      case parse_expr(S) of
          {ok, Parse} ->
          {error, {_, erl_parse, Err}} ->
              {error, Err}

  try_evaluation(Parse) ->
      case catch erl_eval:exprs(Parse, []) of
          {value, V, _} ->
              {ok, flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [V]))};
          {'EXIT', Reason} ->
              {error, Reason}

  parse_expr(S) ->
      {ok, Scan, _} = erl_scan:string(S),

Using that, you can create "portable" funs in your programs, like

  1> distel:eval_expression("fun() -> hello() end.").

Although if you want the funs to include variable bindings, you'll
need to pass them as a key-value list to that call to erl_eval:exprs,
where I just use the empty list.


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